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Kindler Forest Management, LLC is a professional woodland management company owned by husband & wife team, Alex & Abby Kindler. We provide woodland owners with proven, science-based natural resource consulting and tailor our approach to each property to reflect the landowner's personal objectives for the land. Through our services we strive to improve forest health, ensure sustainability, and achieve your management goals with honesty and integrity. We offer a suite of services that can help you in setting your goals and achieving your objectives.
Some of our specialties include:
forest management planning for CAUV, OFTL, & EQIP
timber sales - marking, bidding, administration
timber inventory and appraisal
The Certified Forester® credential of the Society of American Foresters is the gold standard in the field of forestry. As Certified Foresters, we have met the educational requirements, passed a board certified, proctored forestry
exam, adhere to SAF standards of professional practice, and we attend seminars to stay current on the latest advancements in forestry.

Mature woodland

Non-native invasive trees(Paulownia)

Emerald Ash Borer Exit Hole

Mature woodland
Considering a harvest?
Learn how KFM foresters
can help you!
Our Clients Include:
Private Woodland Owners
Non-Profit Organizations
Real Estate Companies
Oil & Gas Corporations
Port Authorities
State & Local Governments
Forest Management Plans
Timber Sales
Timber Inventory
A forest management plan is an essential first step in the ownership of forestland. The plan will outline
ownership objectives, describe the
current forest conditions, and create a timeline of activities to meet the landowner's objectives.
Enroll in the CAUV or OFTL property tax reduction programs
Receive funds for a management plan when you apply through the EQIP program
Harvesting timber may happen only once or twice in your lifetime, but can have lasting effects on the woodland for years to come. When implemented correctly, a harvest will have a positive impact on the trees and the habitat. A well planned timber harvest will achieve the desired objectives for the owner while respecting and caring for the land. From start to finish we guide the landowner through the timber sale process to ensure a successful harvest.
An inventory is needed to determine the number of trees, types of tree species, and volume of board feet present in the woodland for
appraisals and management descision making.
Timber inventory and appraisals for oil & gas well pads and pipelines
Timber appraisals for real estate purchases and timber tax basis
Timber theft appraisals
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